Teaching Assistant

Fall 2020 - Mathematics I (PhD level) - Stockholm School of Economics

Teaching assistant to Professor Jörgen Weibull
Topics: Set theory, functions and correspondences,
differentiability, Theorem of the Maximum, constrained optimization

Fall 2019 - Mathematics I (PhD level) - Stockholm School of Economics

Teaching assistant to Professor Jörgen Weibull and Instructor of Math Boot Camp
as above

Spring 2019 - Mathematics I (PhD level) - Stockholm School of Economics

Teaching assistant to Professor Kelly Ragan together with another PhD student
solving dynamic macroeconomic models in MATLAB

Fall 2018 - Mathematics II (PhD level) - Stockholm School of Economics

Teaching assistant to Professor Mark Voorneveld
Linear spaces in infinite dimension, measure theory, probability theory

2013-2015 - Microeconomics I and II (BSc level) - Corvinus University of Budapest

2013-2015 - Linear Algebra I and II (BSc level) - Corvinus University of Budapest

2014-2015 - Real Analysis I and II (BSc level) - Corvinus University of Budapest